Board of Directors

Gathering valuable expertise on the Board of Directors

Board members play a central role in setting the organization’s direction. They are elected at the Annual General Meeting for two-year terms. Through the diversity of their origins, their voluntary work ensures the legitimacy of the organization.

In addition to their role as directors of the organization, the elected members of the Board of Directors assume their role as representatives on the watershed organization (OBV) consultation table, recognized by the Act to affirm the collective nature of water resources and strengthen their protection (R.S.Q., c.C-6.2).

Executive Committee





Municipal representatives (MRC) – 4 positions

Agricultural representatives (UPA) – 4 positions

Industry representatives – 2 positions

Sociocultural representative – 1 position

Environmental representatives – 2 positions

Health Representatives – 1 position


Education representatives –1 position

Citizens – 3 positions

Co-opted – 2 positions


Indigenous – 2 positions


Ministries - resources for the Board of Directors and the Concertation Table

Several ministries have designated representatives who are invited to take part in discussions at the Table de concertation. These designated representatives are invited to participate in the non-administrative portion of the meetings.

The following ministries have appointed representatives: 

