
Fishing in the river, a fun and inexpensive activity!
There are many rivers and riverbanks along the St. Lawrence River that are popular spots for sport fishing. You’ll find some amazing fishing spots along the St. Lawrence River. A wide variety of fish species can be found there, as the water is well oxygenated and food is abundant.
For more information, consult the interactive map published by the Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs.
The banks of the St. Lawrence River and many of its rivers make great sport fishing spots.
The Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs has published an interactive map listing all fishing sites.
Please note! There are two fishing sanctuaries on the territory, in Sainte-Martine and Châteauguay. Fishing is prohibited from April 1st to June 30.
Fishing enthusiasts are invited to consult the Guide de consommation du poisson de pêche sportive en eau douce (Freshwater sport fishing: consumption guide) published by the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements climatiques du Québec, to find out:
- Fish species that are allowed to be caught;
- Recommended amount of fish for consumption depending on where it was caught, to avoid heavy metal poisoning.
For more information!
To find out more about our summer programming, contact us by e-mail at or call 450 427-0911.