As part of the “Mois de l’eau” (Water Month), established in 2017 by the Quebec government with the adoption of the Loi affirmant le caractère collectif des ressources en eau et favorisant une meilleure gouvernance de l’eau et des milieux associés, we are launching the 3rd edition of our contest titled “J’aime ma rivière!” (I love my river!).
Send us a photo or short video that you think demonstrates the importance of the river and its ecosystems. These images should answer the following question: Why do you love your river?
Maximum weight for uploading content
- 100 MB for photos;
- 1 GB for videos.
Conditions of admission
- Must be at least 12 years old;
- Images (photos and videos) must be taken within the boundaries of the Châteauguay Zone. You can find out more about these limitations by visiting our interactive online map;
- OBV SCABRIC employees and board members are not eligible to enter this contest;
- Entries must be submitted no later than June 30, 2024.
For further information, please contact Priscille Ahossi, Water Master Plan (WMP) Project Manager, by e-mail at or by telephone at 450 427-0911.